
物种 / Species高度(米) / Height (meters)树名 / Tree Name类别 / Class位置 / Location大洲 / Continent
海岸红杉 / Coast Redwood116.07超级巨人 / Hyperion针叶树 / Conifer美国加利福尼亚州红杉国家公园 / Redwood National Park, California, United States西北美洲 / Western North America
喜马拉雅柏木 / Himalayan Cypress102.3雅鲁藏布江大峡谷 / Yarlung Zangbo Grand Canyon针叶树 / Conifer中国西藏自治区波密县 / Bomê County, Nyingchi Prefecture, Tibet Autonomous Region, China东亚 / East Asia
黄梅兰 / Yellow Meranti100.8门塔拉 / Menara开花植物 / Flowering plant马来西亚沙巴多努姆谷保护区(婆罗洲岛) / Danum Valley Conservation Area, Sabah, Malaysia (Borneo island)东南亚 / Southeast Asia
山灰树 / Mountain Ash100.5百年巨人 / Centurion开花植物 / Flowering plant澳大利亚塔斯马尼亚州阿尔维山谷 / Arve Valley, Tasmania, Australia东南澳大利亚 / Southeastern Australia
西卡云杉 / Sitka Spruce100.2帕里克里克红杉州立公园 / Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park, California, United States针叶树 / Conifer美国加利福尼亚州 / Western North America 
道格拉斯冷杉 / Coast Douglas-fir99.7多纳尔冷杉 / Doerner Fir针叶树 / Conifer美国俄勒冈州库斯县布鲁米特溪 / Brummit Creek, Coos County, Oregon, United States西北美洲 / Western North America
巨杉 / Giant Sequoia96.3巨杉国家森林 / Sequoia National Forest, California, United States针叶树 / Conifer美国加利福尼亚州 / Western North America 
蓝桉 / Southern Blue Gum90.7尼米纳(或母女) / Neeminah (Loggerale Meena, or Mother and Daughter)开花植物 / Flowering plant澳大利亚塔斯马尼亚 / Tasmania东南澳大利亚 / Southeastern Australia
贵冷杉 / Noble Fir89.9高特沼泽研究自然区 / Goat Marsh Research Natural Area, Washington, United States针叶树 / Conifer美国华盛顿州 / Western North America 
柳叶桉 / Manna Gum89.0白骑士 / White Knight开花植物 / Flowering plant澳大利亚塔斯马尼亚埃弗克里奇森林保护区 / Evercreech Forest Reserve, Tasmania东南澳大利亚 / Southeastern Australia
巴西木 / Dinizia Excelsa88.5靠近巴西阿马帕和帕拉两州边界 / Near the boundary of Amapa and Para states, Brazil开花植物 / Flowering plant中东南美洲 / Central-Northeastern South America 
棕顶弯曲桉 / Brown Top Stringbark88.5皮卡贝拉公主 / Princess Picabella开花植物 / Flowering plant澳大利亚塔斯马尼亚 / Tasmania东南澳大利亚 / Southeastern Australia


These remarkable trees thrive in various climates, from the misty coastal redwood forests of North America to the rugged mountainous regions of Tibet and the lush rainforests of Borneo.

SpeciesHeight (meters)Tree NameClassLocationContinent
Coast Redwood116.07HyperionConiferRedwood National Park, California, United StatesWestern North America 12
Himalayan Cypress102.3Yarlung Zangbo Grand Canyon, Bomê County, Nyingchi Prefecture, Tibet Autonomous Region, ChinaEast Asia 3  
Yellow Meranti100.8MenaraFlowering plantDanum Valley Conservation Area, Sabah, Malaysia (Borneo island)Southeast Asia
Mountain Ash100.5CenturionFlowering plantArve Valley, Tasmania, AustraliaSoutheastern Australia
Sitka Spruce100.2Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park, California, United StatesConiferWestern North America 
Coast Douglas-fir99.7Doerner FirConiferBrummit Creek, Coos County, Oregon, United StatesWestern North America
Giant Sequoia96.3Sequoia National Forest, California, United StatesConiferWestern North America 
Southern Blue Gum90.7Neeminah (Loggerale Meena, or Mother and Daughter)Flowering plantTasmaniaSoutheastern Australia
Noble Fir89.9Goat Marsh Research Natural Area, Washington, United StatesConiferWestern North America 
Manna Gum89.0White KnightFlowering plantEvercreech Forest Reserve, TasmaniaSoutheastern Australia
Dinizia Excelsa88.5Near the boundary of Amapa and Para states, BrazilFlowering plantCentral-Northeastern South America 
Brown Top Stringbark88.5Princess PicabellaFlowering plantTasmaniaSoutheastern Australia